
Central Lutheran Church reaches out into the community to spread the joy of life in our Lord Jesus Christ:

Donate now to help us continue these missions.

Meals on Wheels

Both men and women of Central participate in the Meals on Wheels program, delivering nutritious hot food to shut-ins one week per month. One pair of volunteers is assigned to each day’s route, and about two hours are required to complete each Monday-through-Friday mission.

Recycled Postage Stamps

Used postage stamps support a project that supports handicapped individuals. The stamps are sent to Stamps for a Living & Deaf/Reach in Washington, D.C. Participants there remove the stamps from the paper, sort them by country, type of stamp, value, etc., and repackage them for sale to collectors. Stamps are deposited in a container in the narthex.

White Rock Center of Hope

Several years ago, under the leadership of Central member Donagene Christian, a ministry was organized to assist the hungry in the White Rock area of Dallas.

The White Rock Center of Hope is a non-profit organization providing Emergency Aid and Steps to Self-Sufficiency to persons who live in the East Dallas (TX) zip codes 75218, 75228, 75238, and portions of 75214 and 75223.

The Center is supported by a community coalition of 50 churches plus civic and social organizations. Eighty-one cents of every dollar received is directly used to help over 1,000 individuals each month. Many volunteer opportunities are available.

The White Rock Center of Hope is located at 10021A Garland Road, (Dallas, TX) near the intersection of Garland and Peavy. The location provides ample parking and easy access from Garland Road by car and bus lines.

Learn more about White Rock Center of Hope.

Boy Scout Troop 861

Central Lutheran Church chartered Scout Troop 861 in October 1963 and has continued to renew the charter with the Boy Scouts of America. One of Central’s members serves as scouting coordinator and functions as the liaison between the church and the troop.

The troop has provided several hundred boys with the opportunity to be Boy Scouts in a year-round, outdoor-centered program that seeks to strengthen the home and family and helps to support their church, school, and community. More than 50 of these young men have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, a rate well above the national average. Following the change in BSA programing, we also support Troop 861-G for girls in the scouting program.

The troop meets on Monday evenings, plans a camp-out each month, and has a summer program consisting of summer camp and a high adventure. The Scouts raise money for these summer activities with their annual sales of fall and spring flowers, popcorn, and camp cards, and they volunteer their time to help with various projects at Central.

Learn more about BSA Troop 861.

Cub Scout Pack 862 and Venture Crew 863

Cub Scouts and Venture Crew have recently become part of the scouting family here at Central! With over 100 boys and girls involved in the Pack, scouting is a very busy place around here with den meetings at the church most evenings. Cub Scouts serves boys and girls and their families ages Kindergarten – thru 11 years old, there’s something for everyone.

The Venture Crew is a co-ed program for youth ages 14-21. This is a strongly youth-led program with more focus on high adventure activities and community service. There is a trail to Eagle scout for those under 18 who prefer this type of program to the traditional scout program. This is fully co-ed with boys and girls working together through all aspects of leadership and participation in all events.