Welcome home!
God calls us to proclaim the Gospel and demonstrate Christ’s love for all.
Community. Connectedness. That sense of “home.”
As Lutherans, we hold fast to God’s grace with hope and trust. We invite you to make your home of faith at Central Lutheran Church that together we may be nurtured in faith and share the love of God into our community. We worship in-person and online on Facebook (@CentralLutheranDallas) at 10:30 am central time every Sunday.
We have several Bible studies and in-person meetings. Please explore our web site for a view into the welcoming and affirming family community and life of Central Lutheran Church.
We invite you to visit and join us at any online or in-person events and worship – all are welcome!
Feel free to contact us at 214-327-2222 or by email at central.lutheran.dallas@gmail.com.
Welcome home! We look forward to seeing you.
Sign up for our weekly congregational news emails.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will take place on June 23-27, 2025 from 9:00 am to noon. For more information and to register, visit our VBS page.
Lenten Collection
During Lent we are collecting hygiene items for White Rock Center of Hope. For more information on how you can get involved, visit our collections page.